Soldout games issue

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Dr Lag
Posts: 8203
Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:39 pm

Soldout games issue

So I bought a game online not realising it was from the company soldout games, which was a big mistake as everytime I try and install this game (XIII) I fail.

I have read that many other people have experienced problem's too on youtube, yahoo answer's e.t.c, so was windering if anyone can help me out.

I have tried running it normally and as an administrator but both times it just asked me if I wanted too "delete all files", I have tried the yes and no options but both it just stops installing the game which is annoying as I just wanna play the game :(.

Any help would be most welcome.
these friken algger high pingers-Loyde
I have had less Lag running my call of duty 4 on Windows vista-A Radio
You know, I briefly spoke with you on Xfire a couple days ago, and for the rest of that day I had really bad in-game lag. :O-Shine
And now Lag is the one who is OP-Sock?
I Lag so bad when I engage someone close.-Slither
Thankx Sock? and Dart
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